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El universo estuvo constituido por el total de pacientes con prescripción médica de antimicrobianos por impresión diagnóstica de sepsi o infección urinariala muestra fue de pacientes. A la mayoría de los pacientes se les prescribieron terapéuticas antimicrobianas no pertinentes, debido a la selección inadecuada.

Infeccion urinaria temprana en trasplante renal: Factores de riesgo y efecto en la sobrevida del injerto Early urinary tract infection in kidney transplantation: Risk factors and impact on graft sur-vival. En forma retrospectiva se analizaron pacientes que recibieron trasplante renal durante en el Hospital Privado - Solteros de north haven ct assessor Médico de Córdoba.

Los factores de riesgo se analizaron con el modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox y la sobrevida del injerto con el método de Kaplan-Meier. Recibieron trasplante renal pacientes consecutivos. La IUTI se presentó en 55 Factores de riesgo asociados con IUTI: La sobrevida del injerto a los 2 años en el grupo IUTI En esta serie las maniobras urológicas invasivas fueron el principal factor de riesgo asociado a IUTI. No hubo disminución de la sobrevida del injerto asociada a IUTI.

La alta prevalencia de uropatógenos no coli requiere mayor evaluación. The early urinary tract infection EUTI in kidney transplant recipients is an infection develop during the first 3 months post transplant surgery.

The effect of EUTI on graft survival and risk factors have been scarcely studied. Our objetives were the evaluation of. Full Text Available Preocupación de los urólogos de todos los tiempos ha sido el desarrollo de un procedimiento operatorio que permita sustituir total o parcialmente la vejiga urinaria cuando ésta, por lesiones congénitas o adquiridas, haya cesado sus funciones o no pueda ser utilizada como órgano colector y excretor de la orina.

Lesiones congénitas o adquiridas de uretra han sido motivo para derivar la orina por encima de la vejiga. La implantación de los uréteres al sigmoides Ureterosigmoidostomía se realiza en Colombia por primera vez por el Profesor Jorge E. Cavelier encuando usa la técnica submucosa de Coffey, y en trabajo para ingresar a la Academia Nacional de Medicina informa sobre sus resultados. Era necesario separar las materias fecales de la orina, por razones obvias; esto llevó al uso de segmentos aislados de intestino en los cuales se implantaron los uréteres, esperando en esta forma reducir la incidencia de insuficiencia renal progresiva; se acepta hoy, que los segmentos intestinales aislados constituyen los mejores órganos para sustituir, en todo o en parte, alguna porción del tracto urinario.

To determine the incidence, specific rates, areas of greatest risk and causal agents of nosocomial infections at the Hospital General de Durango, of the Secretaria de Salud, Mexico. Prospective study of nosocomial infection vigilance during one year. Con base en las evidencias y las recomendaciones aportadas por estas guías, se realizó un consenso para realizar recomendaciones para personal de salud -médicos, personal de laboratorio y enfermeros- sobre el diagnóstico de las infecciones urinarias -cistitis y pielonefritis- sus tratami Las vacunas han demostrado ser una excelente estrategia para reducir la morbimortalidad en infecciones respiratorias, con un perfil de seguridad adecuado.

Para que esto prosiga se requiere solteros de north haven ct assessor nuestro compromiso y conocimiento para estimular, difundir y obtener altas tasas de cobertura, de manera de lograr efectos de protección indirecta, conocidos como inmunidad comunitaria.

Estudio de la variablilidad e idoneidad de la prescripción de antibióticos en las infecciones del tracto urinario. Realizamos un estrudio transversal descriptivo sobre la precripción de antibióticos en las infecciones agudas del tracto urinario en adultos adquiridas en la comuidad atendidas en los servicios de urgencias de Full Text Available Las vacunas han demostrado ser una excelente estrategia para reducir la morbimortalidad en infecciones respiratorias, con un perfil de seguridad adecuado.

Debemos avanzar en estos temas y realizar estudios de efectividad de las vacunas que hemos introducido, para conocer su aporte en la prevención de infecciones respiratorias, de manera de objetivar sus solteros de north haven ct assessor, conocer el impacto en poblaciones de riesgo y avanzar en la vacunación de embarazadas, para otorgar mejores estrategias de prevención a nuestra población.

Así mismo, la resistencia marcada hacia el uso o tratamiento con antibióticos, por pensar en los efectos dañinos que estos medicamentos pueden causar en el bebé. Las enfermedades de base relacionadas con la aparición de infecciones Diabetes, Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica EPOC, Hepatopatía e Insuficiencia Renal, en el estudio no evidenció un comportamiento estadísticamente significativo, sin embargo, el Los agentes infecciosos que estuvieron presentes tanto en sangre, como en orina solteros de north haven ct assessor secreción bronquial fueron Escherichia coli, Klebsiella y Staphylococcus Aureus, microorganismos altamente contagiosos y perjudiciales.

Triterpenoids from Whole Plants of Phyllanthus urinaria. Objective To study the chemical constituents of whole plant of Phyllanthus urinaria and their biological activity.

NMR spectroscopic analyses were used for the structure identification. In this case,the inhibitory rate of NO production of the isolated triterpenoids was evaluated.

Conclusion To the best of our knowledge,this is the first report of compounds ,6,and 7 from the family Euphorbiaceae. En algunos casos, puede causar cicatrices renales que pueden inducir complicaciones futuras, como la hipertensión arterial y enfermedad renal crónica.

Los métodos de diagnóstico por imagen en los niños tienen como objetivo identificar a los pacientes en riesgo de desarrollar cicatrices renales o daño renal permanente, o de prevenir la progresión del daño renal preexistente.

Se demostró que todo niño con infección urinariaindependientemente del sexo, corre el riesgo de desarrollar cicatriz renal, el cual aumenta con la presencia de reflujo vesicoureteral, infecciones recurrentes y en la medida en que aumenta la edad. Urinary infection is one of the most common bacterial infections in childhood after respiratory infections.

In some cases, it solteros de north haven ct assessor cause renal scars that may lead to future complications like blood hypertension and chronic renal disease. The diagnostic imaging methods for children are aimed at identifying those patients at risk of developing renal scars or a permanent renal damage, and preventing the progression of pre-existing renal damage.

Clinical data from children diagnosed with urinary infection, who had been performed a renal DMSA scintigraphy, were retrospectively. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y retrolectivo en un hospital de referencia de tercer nivel de atención. Se obtuvieron las frecuencias, el tipo y la distribución de infecciones nosocomiales de la base de datos del Departamento de Epidemiología Hospitalaria entre y Se determinó en cada paciente el grado de gravedad de su enfermedad mediante la escala de McCabe-Jackson, así como la edad promedio y el tiempo de estancia hospitaria.

El estudio se dividió en tres etapas: Se compararon los periodos prerremodelación contra posremodelación. Durante este periodo la tasa de infecciones nosocomiales fue de 8.

Se observó una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la frecuencia de infecciones de vías urinarias y bacteriemias primarias p infecciones de herida quir. Infecciones en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos. Full Text Available Las infecciones son causa frecuente de morbimortalidad en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos.

Los huéspedes con neutropenia desarrollan infecciones por bacterias extracelulares no encapsuladas y hongos levaduriformes y filamentosos; el diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno de las mismas son considerados una emergencia por su severidad y gran mortalidad asociada.

Muchas de estas infecciones son inmunoprevenibles. Los huéspedes con compromiso de la inmunidad celular desarrollan infecciones por microorganismos intracelulares y también por algunos extracelulares; muchas de las infecciones ocurren por reactivación; a menudo requieren profilaxis antimicrobiana tanto primaria como secundaria.

El tratamiento medicamentoso quimioterapia, drogas inmunosupresoras, etc. El aspecto epidemiológico, que incluye el estilo de vida, solteros de north haven ct assessor, viajes previos, etc. En conclusión, la prevención de las infecciones y el uso racional de antimicrobianos son los pilares fundamentales en el manejo efectivo de los huéspedes inmunocomprometidos. Con base en las evidencias y las recomendaciones aportadas por estas guías, se realizó un consenso para realizar recomendaciones para personal de salud —médicos, personal de laboratorio y enfermeros— sobre el diagnóstico de las infecciones urinarias —cistitis y pielonefritis—, sus tratamientos y prevención de la recurrencia.

Las infecciones son causa frecuente de morbimortalidad en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos. Los huéspedes con neutropenia desarrollan infecciones por bacterias extracelulares no encapsuladas y hongos levaduriformes y filamentosos; el diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno de las mismas son considerados una emergencia por su severidad y gran mortali Incontinencia urinaria en el adulto mayor. Full Text Available Resumen: La incontinencia urinaria IU es una condición prevalente en la población de adultos mayores, afectando a ambos sexos.

Urinary incontinence UI is a prevalent condition in the population of elderly adults, affecting both sexes.

With the aging of the population it will be a health problem of increasing relevance. Its pathogenesis is complex and multifactorial, so it is essential to know the underlying pathophysiological aspects solteros de north haven ct assessor order to make an adequate diagnosis based on the clinical history, physical examination and complementary tests requested in a rational manner.

The treatment of UI for elderly adults does not differ much from the treatment of younger population. However, particular emphasis should be placed on identifying comorbidities, medications, neurological and psychiatric disorders that may be contributing to the UI.

Full advantange of conservative management should be taken, having special considerations with the use of some drugs and carefully indicating surgical treatment to selected patients. Incontinencia urinariaadulto mayor, envejecimiento. Validación de un programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales. Validar el programa de vigilancia de infecciones nosocomiales y conocer la morbilidad y la mortalidad. Un médico especialmente capacitado, realizó vigilancia intensiva de todos los pacientes admitidos en el hospital.

Los casos de infección fueron discutidos con otros dos médicos y el resultado se comparó con la vigilancia rutinaria. Se incluyó a todos los pacientes hospitalizados del 11 de julio al 12 de agosto deque no tenían un proceso infeccioso activo o que no manifestaban un periodo de incubación a su ingreso.

Se siguieron diariamente y se registraron datos de: Se recabó información sobre tratamiento antimicrobiano, microrganismo aislado y susceptibilidad. Se evaluó el estado clínico final y se estimó el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria. De pacientes, 45 desarrollaron infección nosocomial casos y no lo hicieron controles.

La incidencia de infecciones nosocomiales fue de La sensibilidad y la especificidad del programa fueron de La mortalidad en los infectados fue de La sensibilidad y la especificidad del programa fueron excelentes. Las infecciones nosocomiales producen mayor mortalidad y estancia hospitalaria comparadas con aquellos. Conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria en pacientes hospitalizados. Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria IU en pacientes hospitalizados.

Se demostró un pobre conocimiento general sobre la IU, siendo necesaria una intervención de los profesionales de la salud en la educación de la población, sobre todo hospitalizada y con factores predisponentes para desarrollar IU, para así poder modificar las ideas erróneas que existen sobre el tema.

Rev Med Hered ; Anormalidades urinarias en pacientes adultos infectados por VIH. Determinar la frecuencia de anormalidades urinarias en pacientes adultos infectados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana VIH y los factores de riesgo asociados. Se examinaron muestras de la primera orina matutina de 61 pacientes seropositivos Western-Blot atendidos en el consultorio externo del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt entre noviembre y diciembre de La ausencia de proteinuria significativa obedece probablemente al escaso porcentaje de pacientes de raza negra y de adictos endovenosos.

Rev Med Hered ; 7: Infecciones urinarias y sepsis urológica: El interés actual sobre la sepsis ha aumentado considerablemente, al igual que los conocimientos sobre la misma, debido sobre todo al descubrimiento de anomalías inflamatorias como causa de la morbimortalidad asociada a la sepsis; a la alteración en la síntesis de mediadores inflamatorios en afecciones tan dispares como: Factores contribuyentes al desarrollo de infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad en diabéticos tipo 2 admitidos en salas de medicina del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia.

Full Text Available El propósito del estudio es identificar factores contribuyentes al desarrollo de infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad en diabéticos tipo 2 hospitalizados. De tal forma, se siguió el diseño de un estudio de casos y controles no apareado. Consecuentemente, se eligieron en forma aleatoria diabéticos con infección adquirida en la comunidad y diabéticos con patología no infecciosa, obtenidos de los Servicios de Medicina de un hospital universitario, entre y En conclusión, vasculopatía periférica y solteros de north haven ct assessor neurogénica contribuyen al solteros de north haven ct assessor de infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad en diabéticos tipo 2 hospitalizados.

El esfínter artificial EA es actualmente el tratamiento considerado como "gold standard" en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria post prostatectomía radical. Esta complicación genera en los pacientes un deterioro importante en cuanto a su calidad de vida.

Tratamientos conservadores y mínimamente invasivos han sido utilizados sin éxito, c Morbilidad y mortalidad por infecciones posoperatorias Morbidity and mortality from postoperative infections. Full Text Available Introducción: Despite the advances in the surgical and anesthetic techniques and in biotechnology, infections are still increasing the morbidity.

Infecciones respiratorias altas recurrentes: Algunas consideraciones Recurrent upper respiratory infections: Full Text Available Las infecciones respiratorias agudas constituyen la primera causa de consultas médicas y de morbilidad, tanto en los países desarrollados como en los países en vías de desarrollo. Por la frecuente presentación en la consulta de alergología y por la carga de ansiedad que se genera en los familiares de estos niños con infecciones respiratorias recurrentes, nos decidimos a realizar una revisión sobre algunos aspectos de interés relacionados con ellas.

Nuestro objetivo es mejorar el conocimiento de estas entidades, para identificar aquellos niños con mayor riesgo de presentar recurrencia de estas infecciones respiratorias. Estas entidades, que en su mayoría son de etiología viral y curso limitado, son causa importante de uso y abuso de medicamentos, entre ellos, los antibióticos, con efectos perjudiciales en la salud de los niños.

Acute respiratory infections are the first cause of visits to the physician's offices and of morbidity in the developing and developed countries. Children under 5 have some physiological and immunological characteristics that make them more susceptible to present these respiratory processes. In spite of the fact that the lower respiratory infection usually attracts the attention due to their greater complexity, cost of treatment and complications, the upper are more frequent at the outpatient department.

Due to their common presentation at the allergology department and to the load of anxiety generated in the relatives of these children with recurrent respiratory infections, it was decided to make a review of. Infecciones en pacientes hospitalizados por cirrosis Infections in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis. Full Text Available Evaluamos la prevalecencia y relevancia clínica de las infecciones bacterianas y no bacterianas en pacientes cirróticos predominantemente alcohólicos internados en un hospital de mediana complejidad, y comparamos las características clínicas, de laboratorio y la evolución de pacientes con y sin infección bacteriana en un estudio prospectivo de cohorte.

Se incluyeron solteros de north haven ct assessor consecutivas de pacientes con diagnóstico de cirrosis, de abril a julio La mortalidad hospitalaria fue mayor en los pacientes con infección bacteriana Fueron identificados como predictores independientes de mortalidad: Este estudio confirma que solteros de north haven ct assessor infecciones bacterianas y no bacterianas son una complicación frecuente y grave en pacientes cirróticos internados, con un aumento de la mortalidad hospitalaria.

We evaluated the prevalence and the clinical relevance of bacterial and nonbacterial infections in predominantly alcoholic. Infección urinaria recurrente en la mujer. La infección urinaria recurrente ITU-R en la mujer es un solteros de north haven ct assessor muy frecuente que aumenta con la edad. Las relaciones sexuales frecuentes, el uso de espermicidas, el antecedente de ITU a corta edad,la historia materna de ITU y uso reciente de antimicrobianos son factores de riesgo.

No se ha encontrado asociación entre ITU-R no complicada y cicatrices renales, hipertensión arterial o enfermedad renal crónica progresiva. Siempre se debe tener en cuenta el daño colateral que produce la terapia antimicrobiana.

El uso de vacuna vaginal y de lactobacilos vaginales se encuentra en desarrollo y sus resultados son promisorios. Finalmente la ITU-R también puede manejarse con terapia antimicrobiana iniciada por la paciente en mujeres con buena adhesividad a las indicaciones médicas.

Recurrent urinary tract infection R-UTI in women is a very common phenomenon that increases with age. Women with R-UTI have an increased susceptibility to vaginal colonization with. Entre los resultados relevantes de la serie figuraron: Efecto del uso de alcohol en gel sobre las infecciones nosocomiales por Klebsiella pneumoniae multirresistente.

Sin embargo, la adherencia por parte del personal de salud es baja. Una nueva modalidad para la higiene de las manos, el frotado con alcohol-gel AG, permite reducir el tiempo requerido y ofrece mayor comodidad. El uso de AG ofrece condiciones que probablemente mejoren la adherencia del personal a la higiene de manos. Handwashing is considered the most important and effective infection control measure to prevent transmission of nosocomial pathogens. However, compliance with handwashing by health care workers is low.

A new modality for hand hygiene is alcohol gel rub, which reduces time required, does not damage the skin and increases health care workers compliance.

An observational study was conducted to assess the effect of alcohol-gel hand antiseptic on infection rates due to the 3 more frequent multi-resistant bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae y Pseudomonas aeruginosa in our hospital. Two periods were compared, 12 months before and 12 months after starting alcohol gel use. The second period AG use showed a significant reduction on incidence rates of. Baja California is a region that not only has migration problems and criminal violence because of the war of drugs or is a solteros de north haven ct assessor of border conflicts in close neighborhood with the United States of America.

Baja California is too a geographic space of culture and art, of creative writing and struggle to narrate the things and persons that here live, a plain sight, like their house, like their home, like a center of creation. This text give a cultural context of the border literature in the north of Mexico like a phenomenon in notice because his own merits, books and writers. Características del sedimento de la orina en pacientes con infección urinaria Characteristic of urine sediment in patients with urine infection.

En la serie preponderaron el sexo femenino y las edades de 20 a 51 años, y coincidieron en ambas pruebas las variaciones patológicas del sedimento urinario de la mayoría de los afectados. A descriptive and observational study of 56 patients with repeated urine infections who were attended at the Clinical Laboratory from "Saturnino Lora Torres" Clinical Surgical Teaching Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, coming from the rooms and outpatients department from the Specialties Polyclinic in this institution was carried out from June, to May,to determine the characteristics of urine sediment previous to the diagnosis and after treatment by means of 2 techniques: Female sex and ages from 20 to 51 years prevailed in the series, and in both tests the pathological variations of the urinary sediment of most affected patients coincided.

Infecciones de transmisión sexual ITS en chile. Infecciones cérvico vaginales y embarazo. Lo mismo ocurre con otro tipo de infecciones vaginales Infección urinaria ; lo que el pediatra debería conocer. En algunos casos puede producir daño renal, llevando al paciente a hipertensión arterial e insuficiencia renal. En esta revisión se enfatiza el oportuno reconocimiento de los síntomas, la necesidad de diagnosticar la infección urinaria de acuerdo al resultado del examen de orina y cultivo, utilizando el apropiado método de recolección de orina.

También se preconiza el correcto tratamiento de acuerdo a la localización de la infección. Finalmente comentamos acerca del tratamiento y profilaxis en los pacientes portadores de reflujo vésico ureteral. Vigilancia de infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud, resistencia bacteriana y consumo de antibióticos en hospitales de alta complejidad, Colombia, Full Text Available Introducción. Prevenir las infecciones adquiridas en los hospitales, en especial las causadas por microorganismos resistentes, es una prioridad.

Por esta razón, Colombia inició la vigilancia nacional de estos eventos realizando una prueba piloto. Describir el comportamiento de las infecciones asociadas a dispositivos, resistencia bacteriana y consumo solteros de north haven ct assessor antibióticos en instituciones con unidades de cuidados intensivos durante el Se diseñaron protocolos de vigilancia para cada evento, implementados por profesionales de salud entrenados. Mediante el software Whonet 5. Es necesario implementar la vigilancia nacional que permita orientar acciones gubernamentales e institucionales para la prevención y control de infeccionescontenci.

Los vidrios de baja emisividad. Full Text Available The use of low-emittance coating low-E glasses in Europe and the United States is not recent they make use of them solteros de north haven ct assessor since: We run into a lack of regulation about the qualities and stipulations these elements must comply with, since the regulations governing the thermal insulation of the buildings CT refers to the generic and peculiar qualities of the glazed openings, but these regulations do not approach the question of the real behaviour of the glazed openings with low-emittance glasses and other semi-transparent elements.

The expenditure of energy and the lighting characteristics of the openings are not yet unforeseen, so far. These properties undergo a variation with regard to the base-glass or the support, due to the low-emittance coating. The article is organized in to three parts.

The first part is the analysis of the functional characteristics and the lighting properties of the glasses from a general point of view. The second one explains what low-emittance glasses are, and the way of obtaining them very briefly; according to the kind of process of obtaining the low-emission coating, the proceedings of low-emission glasses are gradually limited.

Finally, the third part deals with the thermic characteristics of whole glazing, and specially with the glazed openings, from the point of view of a functional consistency for both glass and joinery.

Nos encontramos con un vacío normativo sobre las condiciones que han de cumplir, ya que la norma de. El siguiente artículo aborda las principales infecciones cérvico vaginales, sus características y potenciales daños tanto para la madre como para su hijo.

Medición comparativa de la densidad urinaria: La densidad urinaria se utiliza en la clínica para evaluar la capacidad renal de concentrar y diluir la orina. Se puede medir mediante tres métodos: Evaluar la exactitud de diferentes métodos de medición de la densidad urinaria. Transversal, comparativo, con recolección prospectiva de datos. Consumo de micronutrientes y tumores de vías urinarias en Córdoba, Argentina. Identificar asociaciones entre el consumo de vitaminas A, E, B6, C, fósforo, selenio y zinc proce Incidencia de infecciones quiescentes de Botrytis cinerea en flores y.

Estas infecciones quiescentes ocurrieron raramente en botones florales cerrados, pero cuando éstos abren las estructuras florales aparecen colonizadas. La alta frecuencia de infecciones quiescentes en frutos en desarrollo y frutos maduros es atribuible a infecciones tempranas en estructuras florales. Inoculaciones hechas con conidias de B. Estudio prospectivo de intervención.

Se determinó la prevalencia basal, intermedia y final de IIH y se evaluó los cambios en CAP con la metodología investigación-acción. Se utilizaron indicadores estandarizados nacionales. Detenga las infecciones por C. Prevalencia de dolor lumbar en mujeres de 20 a 65 años con incotinencia urinaria en una consulta de ginecología en Madrid.

Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid.

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Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Programa de Doctorado en Fisioterapia Avanzada La incontinencia urinaria IU y el dolor lumbar DL son dos condiciones altamente prevalentes, con un gran impacto negativo en la calidad de vida, importantes repercusiones sobre la salud de los individual y sobre el sistema sanitario que representan un problema de salud a nivel mundial.

Para ambas condiciones, incontinencia urinaria y DL, se Complicaciones del tratamiento de incontinencia urinaria y prolapso de la pelvis. Tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo en la mujer, por la técnica de Perrin modificada. Estas pacientes se siguieron después de operadas por espacio de 1 año, para evaluar los resultados mediatos obtenidos al aplicar esta técnica.

Como principales resultados y conclusiones se expresan: Las pruebas de esfuerzo presentaron un alto grado de positividad. Device-associated infection rates and mortality in intensive care units of Peruvian hospitals: La tasa de neumonía asociada a respiradores NAR fue de 31,3 casos por 1 días-ventilador; la tasa de infecciones circulatorias asociadas con cateterismo venoso central IC-CVC fue de 7,7 casos por 1 díascatéter; y la tasa de infecciones urinarias asociadas con el uso de catéteres IUAC fue de 5,1 casos por días-catéter.

Se puede mejorar la seguridad de los pacientes de las UCI y de los hospitales en general mediante programas solteros de north haven ct assessor abarquen la vigilancia de las IAA y la implementación de directivas para la prevención de infecciones.

Device-associated infection rates in intensive care units of Brazilian hospitals: These actions should become a solteros de north haven ct assessor in every country. Determinar las tasas de infección asociadas a aparatos IAA, los perfiles microbiológicos, la resistencia bacteriana, la estancia hospitalaria adicional y la mortalidad atribuible en las unidades de cuidados intensivos UCI de tres hospitales brasileños miembros de la Comunidad Científica Internacional de Control de Infecciones Nosocomiales INICC.

Aspectos de la infección urinaria en el adulto. A description is made of the microbiological terminolgies and of those used to evaluate the response to the treatment, as well as of the latest classification of this disease. The different types of treatment and the most used drugs are mentioned here. Emphasis is made on the use of quinolines. Louse flies on birds of Baja California. Louse flies were collected from birds of 32 species captured in autumn of in Baja California Sur México. Only one louse fly species Microlynchia pusilla was found.

It occurred in four of the common ground doves Columbina passerina collected. This is a new a host species for this louse fly. Efecto de la contaminación ambiental sobre las consultas por infecciones respiratorias en niños de la Ciudad de México. Se estudió la correlación entre la presencia de infecciones respiratorias altas y bajas con la exposición a ozono solteros de north haven ct assessor bióxido de nitrógeno. Para modelar esta asociación se utilizó la técnica de regresión Poisson aplicada sobre modelos de riesgo lineal y no lineal con periodos de latencia entre las mediciones ambientales y la consulta de uno, dos y tres días, así como el promedio de las mediciones de los tres, cinco y siete días previos a la consulta.

El modelo utilizado estima que un incremento de 50 ppb en el promedio horario de ozono de un día ocasionaría, al día siguiente, un incremento del 9. Una base de datos relacional para consulta de litiasis urinaria: Evaluación inicial de resultados.

Crear una base de datos relacional orientada al seguimiento de la litiasis urinaria. Solteros de north haven ct assessor presentan los detalles del diseño y los resultados iniciales de su explotación. Para la evaluación de la Ejercicio hipopresivo en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria en mujeres multíparas: El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los efectos de un protocolo de rehabilitación basado en ejercicio hipopresivo EH sobre la sintomatología de Incontinencia Urinaria IU de mujeres multíparas.

Estudio descriptivo de una serie de casos realizado en la unidad de rehabilitación de Tolcayuca Mé Tigeciclina en infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos complicadas. Full Text Available Resumen Objetivo: La tigeciclina puede relacionarse con mayor frecuencia de eventos adversos leves de origen gastrointestinal. Se debe considerar especialmente como terapia de ajuste en pacientes con infecciones polimicrobianas.

Full Text Available En la actualidad existe un gran interés por identificar proteínas o péptidos antimicrobianos que puedan ser herramientas terapéuticas que eviten el establecimiento o permitan el control de diferentes infecciones. Las ribonucleasas RNasas, pertenecientes a la superfamilia Ribonucleasa A, son enzimas que participan en varios procesos fisiológicos, que van desde el procesamiento alternativo del RNA hasta la angiogénesis.

Estas enzimas son expresadas por diferentes tejidos y exhiben especificidades variables contra diferentes sustratos de RNA. El potencial terapéutico de las RNasas se ha solteros de north haven ct assessor en procesos oncogénicos; adicionalmente, se ha descrito que tienen actividad antiviral directa y el potencial de activar células del sistema inmune innato induciendo su maduración y la producción de citoquinas proinflamatorias.

Nuestro grupo de investigación ha realizado estudios que señalan la capacidad de cuatro RNasas recombinantes: Oligocene cetaceans from Baja California Sur, Mexico. Abstract Baja California Sur has an important Cenozoic marine fossil record which includes diverse but poorly known Oligocene cetaceans from Mexico. Here we review the cetacean fossil record including new observations from materials that elucidate the evolution of the Neoceti in the Pacific basin.

The specimens belong to the paleontological collection of Mu Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva-prospectiva con el objetivo de validar nuestros criterios de riesgos en la identificación de la infección bacteriana severa IBS en niños febriles, para lo cual se establecieron las categorías de riesgos y se aplicaron en niños febriles que habían ingresado por esta causa en un período de 12 meses.

Uno de cada 4 niños febriles presentó IBS. Se introdujo la categoría "Riesgo" y se recomienda un flujograma de evaluación. A descriptive-prospective research study was carried out to validate our risk criteria in the identification of severe bacterial infection in febrile young children. For this purpose, risk categories were set and applied in febrile children who had been admitted in a period of 12 months.

Nevertheless, the frequency of this affection was high, accounting for One in every four febrile. Susceptibilidad antibiótica de las bacterias causantes de infecciones odontogénicas.

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Identificar la flora bacteriana y su susceptibilidad a varios antibióticos utilizados en infecciones odontogénicas de localización periapical y en las pericoronaritis del tercer molar inferior, para poder adaptar convenientemente el tratamiento antibiótico a las exigencias de tales infeccionesy evitar así los efectos secundarios y los sobretratamientos con antibióticos.

Se han seleccionado con unos criterios de inclusión solteros de north haven ct assessor de exclusión a 64 pacientes que prese Se han seleccionado con unos criterios de inclusión y de exclusión a 64 pacientes que pr Infección urinaria crónica en un hospital general. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron luego del uso de la Gentamicina Durante el lapso comprendido entre yfueron estudiados 6.

Sistema registracii i vydachi svedenij dolzhna obespechivat' maksimum dopolnitel'nyh dannyh. Ona dolzhna byt' shodnoj s sistemami, kotorye ispol'zujut postavshhiki i potrebiteli, i davat', pri vozmozhnosti, dopolnitel'nuju informaciju, svjazannuju s partijami jadernogo materiala.

Dannye,poluchaemye dlja kontrolja za jadernymi materialami, dolzhny byt' tol'ko takimi, kotorye neobhodimye celjah obespechenija togo, chtoby ne bylo nikakih znachitel'nyh poter', hishhenij, nezakonnogo prisvoenija ili ispol'zovanija ne po naznacheniju jadernyh materialov. Dopolnitel'nye dannye dolzhny podvergat'sja tochno takoj zhe neobhodimoj strogoj proverke, kotoroj podvergajutsja dannye. A model of oxidation destruction of polymer materials under a low-intensity gamma irradiation is considered.

The results obtained allow one to determine conditions for conducting accelerated testings, which the mechanism of polymer material aging under their utilization at NPPs is realized. La manipulacion de la chatarra tuvo una importante influencia en el balance de los materiales que confirmo el contenido de combustible y aseguro una buena contabilizacion.

Los procedimientos de manipulacion y registro, y en particular los metodos de determinacion de las partidas y de marcacion fisica, se formularon de tal manera que constituyeron una buena ayuda para el fabricante en lo que respecta al control de la criticidad. Nakoplennyj opyt posluzhil osnovoj dlja dannogo doklada, v kotorom podcherkivajutsja problemy ucheta materialov i ih razreshenie pri izgotovlenii razlichnyh sostavnyh chastej teplovydeljajushhih jelementov razlichnyh tipov na obogashhennom urane.

Osnovnymi zadachami pri vyrabotke horoshej sistemy ucheta materialov javljajutsja: S pomoshh'ju primenennyh biologicheskih testov ne bylo o b naruzheno nikakih fenomenov, specifichnyh dlja chastic vysokih jenergij.

Ustanovlennaja po chetyrem pokazateljam OBJe LD, srednjaja vyzhivaemost', umen'shenie zobnoj zhelezy i semennikov malo otklonjaetsja ot 1 ; jeta OBJe so o tvetstvue t srednej LPE chastic, i dlja protonov ne kazhetsja uvelichennoj za schet povyshenija mestnogo LPE zvezd raspada. Se comprobo que la letalidad varia pronunciadamente con la energia neutronica, siendo igualmente funcion pronunciada, pero independiente de la distribucion de la dosis.

Sin embargo, sea cual fuere la dosis, la energia o la distribucion todos los animales que sobrevivieron S dias llegaron a sobrevivir por lo menos dias muriendo luego a consecuencia de solteros de north haven ct assessor habituales efectos diferidos. Esto indica que los neutrones rapidos monoenergeticos, exentos de contaminacion gamma y de neutrones epitermicos, causan casi exclusivamente la llamada 'muerte intestinal' precoz. Samok myshej linii CF-1 obluchali v celuloidnyh kapsulah monojenergeticheskimi nejtronami na rasstojanii 3,1 - 11,3 sm ot istochnika pod u gl om ot 0 do 1 radiana.

Obluchenie bylo dvustoronnim i proizvodilos' odnovremenno vo vremja dvizhenija po cirkuljarnym ili jellipticheskim orbitam perpendikuljarno k osi puchka. Dannye pokazyvajut, chto potencial'nyj faktor so stavlja et priblizitel'no 2 dlja nejtronov delenija otnositel'no rentgenovskih luchej s pikovym naprjazheniem kv dlja vozniknovenija opuholej pochek u myshej.

Chto kasaetsja solteros de north haven ct assessor limfomn, to u myshej, podvergnutyh nejtronnomu oblucheniju, chastota ih vozniknovenija okazalas.

Pri vskrytii zhivotnyh na j den' posle obluchenija obnaruzheny obshirnye perivaskuljarnye krovoizlijanija s vovlecheniem krupnyh i melkih legochnyh arterial'nyh so sudov. Krov' pojavljalas' v adventicial'noj soedinitel'noj tkani i periarteri- al'nyh limfaticheskih prostranstvah. Otek jendotelija byl rezko vyrazhen v porazhennyh sosudah, no v sredinnoj obolochke zametnyh izmenenij ne bylo.

Obnaruzhivalis' takzhe peribronhial'nye krovoizlijanija v sochetanii s solteros de north haven ct assessor vetvej le gochn oj arterii. Patogenez jetih povrezhdenij, po-vidimomu, svjazan s pervichnym porazheniem jendotelija, vyzvannym impul'snymi nejtronami spektra delenija.

Dopolnitel'nym faktorom, vozmozhno, javljaetsja trombocitopenija, poskol'ku okazalos', chto kolichestvo megakariocitov v kostnom m o z gu bylo obratno proporcional'no tjazhesti vnutrilegochnyh krovoizlijanij. La extraordinaria variedad de condiciones en que se forman e interaccionan los productos de irradiacion con el esqueleto carbonico y su superficie depende de un gran numero de factores, a saber: Por ello, las tecnicas utilizadas ofrecen la posibilidad de realizar una gran variedad de experimentos a fin de establecer las condiciones optimas de enriquecimiento.

Oni dostatochno ustojchivy termicheski i khimicheski. Ukazannoe soedinenie broma s uglerodom prakticheski ustojchivo k vozdejstviyu vodnykh rastvorov. Effect of nonmodified and modified chalk on curing degree of polymer matrix was studied under-irradiation of PVC-compositions.

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Films of the compositions mass part 7 PVC, mas. It was established, that intensive dehydrochlorination and polymer curing took place on chalk particle surface. Network fixed strongly chalk particles. However, chalk inhibited processes of dehydrochlorination and PVC curing, increasing amount of noncured PVC in polymer matrix. Diplomsko delo opisuje gospodarjenje z odpadki iz polimernih materialov s poudarkom na Evropski uniji EU. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena problematika trajnostnega sonaravnega razvoja, njegova so Dotaknili smo se tudi individualizacije pri likovni vzgoji ter sredstev za spodbujanje motivacije.

Njegova biosinteza in pot po telesu kot nepolarna molekula je izredno zapletena. Compensative-rehabilitative responses of blood-forming tissue cells after chronic irradiation. The bone marrow eosinophils solteros de north haven ct assessor minks and wild rats subjected to chronical irradiation are able of secreting a peroxidase system obtained by neutrophils.

As a result heterophilic granulocytes appear in the peripheral blood. Intercellular transgranulation, emperiopolesis into megakaryocytes and eosinophils as peroxidase donors for neutrophils are regarded as cellular and subcellular adaptations in the mammalian bone marrow after irradiation. Poskol'ku opyty s jadernymi materialami obychno ne povtorjajutsja, vozmozhnosti usta- novlenija statisticheskogo kachestvennogo i kolichestvennogo kontrolja ochen' neveliki.

Pojetomu risk oshibki pri uchete materiala dolzhen ustanavlivat'sja, ishodja iz otnositel'no malogo kolichestva analiticheskih izmerenij. Izlagajutsja svjazannye s jetim momenty. Analogichnye dovody ispol'zujutsja dlja illjustracii trudnosti kachestvennogo kontrolja pri pokupke raznoobraznyh materialov v nebol'shih kolichestvah.

Uporaba hipnoze pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj. Presence of pRI 1: This study focused on the molecular characterization of a small cryptic, mobilizable plasmid bp sequenced from an E. Sequence analysis of pRI 1 revealed seven open reading frames. Presence of the pRI 1 replication initiation gene rep was analyzed solteros de north haven ct assessor a panel of E.

Tendencias Modernas Derecho Penal Digital (F)

Uporaba BIM pri projektiranju cestne infrastrukture. Magistrsko delo obravnava uporabo informacijskega modeliranja gradenj angl.

Pri tem je kot primer uporabljen projekt Druge cevi predora Karavanke, pri katerem je bil BIM dejansko uporabljen. Naredili smo modele cest, ki se bodo uporabljale za odvoz materiala na deponije. A conservative approach is applied. The approach was developed with allowance for a conservative estimation of fuel distribution in FCM and errors of the FCM hazard measurements.

A version of 4PB accident development is proposed. Pri opredelenii potrebnosti v organizacii obychnogo vnutrennego ucheta glavnymi faktorami javljajutsja: Obsuzhdajutsja i protivopostavljajutsja vnutrennemu uchetu obych- nogo tipa bolee special'nye trebovanija i osobennosti vnutrennego ucheta, prisushhie predpri- jatiju, raspolagajushhemu radioaktivnymi istochnikami ili special'nymi rasshhepljajushhimisja materialami jadernymi materialami.

Vvidu vysokoj denezhnoj stoimosti i strategicheskoj vazhnosti materialov dokazyvaetsja neobhodimost' organizacii osoboj vnutrennej proverki. Podrobno obsuzhdaetsja planirovanie organizacii vnutrennej proverki na proizvodst- vennom predprijatii.

Obsuzhdajutsja takzhe kvalifikacii i kategorii specia- listov, kotorye dolzhny byt' privlecheny k vypolneniju funkcij vnutrennej proverki. Podrobno opisyvaetsja primenenie takih planov k fakticheskomu provedeniju vnutrennej proverki.

Obsuzhdajutsja vozmozhnye othody ot obshheprinjatyh norm i vozmozhnye podhody k resheniju problemy. Hotja na mnogih promyshlennyh predprijatijah obychnogo tipa i sushhest- vujut razlichnye metody proverki nalichija materialov bezfizicheskogo ih obsledovanija, dokazyvaetsja neobhodimost' fizicheskogo obsledovanija nalichija jadernyh materialov.

Opisyvajutsja razlichnye sposoby predstavlenija otchetovorezul'tatah vnutrennej. Conversational Privacy with Chatbots. Users are continuously frustrated by complex privacy policies, unreachable privacy settings, and a multitude of emerging standards. The miniaturization trend of smart devices and the emergence of the Internet of Things IoTs will exacerbate this problem further.

In this paper, we propose Conversational Privacy Bots Pri Bots as a new way of delivering notice and choice through a two Namen diplomskega dela je osvetliti pomen branja, bralne pismeno G-Quadruplexes influence pri -microRNA processing.

However, their impact on pri -miRNA processing remains unknown. The folding of the potential G4 motifs was determined in solution. Subsequently, mutations disrupting G4 folding led to important changes in the mature miRNAs levels in cells.

Moreover, using small antisense oligonucleotides binding to the pri -miRNA, it was possible to modulate, either positively or negatively, the solteros de north haven ct assessor miRNA levels. Together, these data demonstrate that G4 motifs could contribute to the regulation of pri -mRNA processing, a novel role for G4.

Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available Diastereomeric and geometric analogs of calcipotriol, PRI and PRIwere synthesized as advanced intermediates from vitamin D C benzothiazoyl sulfones and side-chain aldehydes using our convergent strategy. Among a series of tested analogs the diastereomeric analog PRI showed the strongest antiproliferative activity on the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, whereas the geometric analog PRI was the weakest.

Both analogs were less potent in antiproliferative activity against HL cells compared to the reference compounds. The ability to potentiate antiproliferative effect of cisplatin or doxorubicin against HL cells or that of tamoxifen against the MCF-7 cell line was observed solteros de north haven ct assessor higher doses of PRI or PRI than those of the reference compounds. The proapoptotic activity of tamoxifen, expressed as the diminished mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as the increased phosphatidylserine expression, was partially attenuated by calcitriol, PRIPRI and PRI This observation could partially explain the potentiation of the antiproliferative effect of tamoxifen by vitamin D analogs.

Diastereomeric and geometric analogs of calcipotriol, PRI and PRIwere synthesized as advanced intermediates from vitamin D C benzothiazoyl sulfones and side-chain aldehydes using our convergent solteros de north haven ct assessor. Pomembno vlogo pri zdravljenju ima fizioterapija. Namen diplomskega dela je na osnovi pregleda objavljene strokovne in znanstvene literat Izzivi in trendi pri vzpostavitvi managmenta destinacije Mirnska dolina. Vsebina dokumenta se dotika posameznih prioritet trajnostnega razvoja destinacije.

V diplomski nalogi je Bolee togo, vo mnogih sluchajah jeti materialy, kak togo trebu- et ohrana solteros de north haven ct assessor i tehnika bezopasnosti, nahodjatsja pod special'nym pravitel'stvennym kontrolem, ne svjazannym neposredstvenno s ih denezhnoj stoimost'ju.

Na osnovanii proshlogo opyta razrabotany special'nye metody i nalazhena praktika promyshlennogo ucheta nedorogostojashhih materialov v bol'shom kolichestve, naprimer ugol' ili zheleznaja ruda, i dorogostojashhih materialov v nebol'shom kolichestve, naprimer dragocen- nye metally. Pri pochti odinakovyh cenah special'nye jadernye materialy razlichajutsja po vidu i budut ispol'zovat'sja v kolichestvah, znachitel'no ''ol'shih po sravneniju s dragocennymi metallami.

Hotja, verojatno, potrebujutsja special'nye metody ili sootvetstvuju- shhee izmenenie staryh metodov, nadlezhashhee ispol'zovanie mnogoobraznoj ustanovlennoj praktiki proverki i ucheta dolzhno okazat'sja dostatochnym v bol'shinstve sluchaev dlja dolzhnoj zashhity kapitalovlozhenij stran i otdel'nyh lic v proizvodstvo jetih dorogostojashhih materialov.

Ustanavlivajutsja kriterii dlja ucheta materialov. Special'no rassmatrivaetsja vopros o, sootvetstvii razlichnyh metodov inventarnogo kontrolja, nachinaja ot sostavlenija ezhegodnyh balansov uch et a postuplenij i otpravok do podrobnoj ezhednevnoj fizicheskoj inventarnoj. Problem, katerega si bomo postavili v ospredje, je, kako so urejena pogodbena razmerja pri mednarodnih poslih malih in srednje velikih podjetij.

Levkemija pri otroku in problemi prehranjevanja in pitja. Namen diplomskega dela je opisati problem prehranjevanja in pitja pri otroku z levkemijo. V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s kr V nastojashhee vremja usta- novka Y po regeneracii osnashhena polunepreryvnoj potochnoj liniej, vkljuchaja rastvorenie, szhiganie, vyparivanie, izvlechenie, denitraciju i gidroflorinaciju produkta.

Oborudovanie po pererabotke i hraneniju imeet ogranichennye razmery i obladaet obshhej propusknoj sposob- nost'ju v neskol'ko sot kilogrammov obogashhennogo urana v mesjac. Snabzhenie dlja processov izvlechenija postupaet kak s samoj ustanovki, tak i iz drugih predprijatij Komissii po atom- noj jenergii v Soedinennyh Shtatah.

V tot ili inoj moment jeto snabzhenie vkljuchaet lom ne- obluchennogo obogashhennogo urana prakticheski vseh vozmozhnyh vidov. Fizicheskij kontrol' uspeshno osushhestvljaetsja solteros de north haven ct assessor sledujushhim faktoram: Tshhatel'nost' konstruirovanija oborudovanija, chto obespechivaet vozmozhnost' chistki i vyborki prob i svodit k minimumu zahvat materialov.

Nepreryvnyj dozimetricheskij kontrol' vseh othodov i putej prohozhdenija othodov i jeffluentov kak cherez sistemu kanalizacii, tak i cherez vytjazhnye truby, a takzhe nad radioak- tivno zagrjaznennym musorom.

Periodicheskie fizicheskie proverki nalichnyh materialov. Tshhatel'naja vyborka prob i analiz ih kak po vneshnim putjam snabzhenija matermalami, tak i po putjam prohozhdenija produkta. Strogij kontrol' nad kachestvom analiza i vyborki prob. Vozlozhenie otvetstvennosti za uchet materialov na operativnyj, a ne na uchetnyj personal.

Tshhatel'nyj instruktazh operativnogo personala. Informacija, postupajushhaja v sistemu ucheta jadernyh materialovsobiraetsja pri pomoshhi sistemy kartochek, blizko soprovozhdajushhih fizicheskij put' prohozhdenija materialov ; inache govorja, tozhdestvo kazhdoj partii sohranjaetsja pri pomoshhi sootvetstvujushhej kartochki, i otdel pouch e tu jadernogo materiala uvedomljaetsja ob udalenii partii posredstvom peredachi emu sootvetstvujushhej kartochki jetoj partii.

Two bio-indicators, the Photochemical Reflectance Index PRI and solar-induced red and far-red Chlorophyll Fluorescence SIFwere derived from directional hyperspectral observations and studied in a cornfield on two contrasting days in the growing season. Both red and far-red SIF exhibited higher values on the day when the canopy in the early senescent stage, but only the far-red SIF showed sensitivity to viewing geometry. This ratio was lower approx. In concert, the PRI exhibited stronger responses to both zenith and azimuth angles and different values on the two growth stages.

The potential of using these indices to monitor photosynthetic activities needs further investigation. Donava in Sava pri Strabonu in v napisih. Construction and Operation of a Commercial Gamma-Ray Package-Sterilizing Plant; Construction et fonctionnement d'une installation industrielle pour la sterilisation d'articles sous emballage par les rayons gamma; Razrabotka i ehkspluatatsiya sbornoj ustanovki gamma-izlucheniya promyshlennogo tipa dlya sterilizatsii meditsinskikh materialov ; Construccion y funcionamiento de una instalacion industrial para la esterilizacion gamma de articulos medicos empaquetados.

Il etudie brievement la rentabilite de la sterilisation par les rayons gamma et examine quelles sont les autres possibilites d'utilisation d'une installation de cette nature. Se trata de una instalacion de tratamiento continuo totalmente automatica equipada con una fuente de 72 c.

Aprovechando la experiencia adquirida por la Junta de Energfa Atomica del Reino Unido en su Package Irradiation Plant de Wantage, dicha instalacion fue concebida para esterilizar jeringas de material plastico y otros articulos medicos no recuperables de analoga densidad aparente.

La instalacion viene funcionando desde noviembre de En la memoria se indican las principales caracteristicas de construccion, en especial los dispositivos para la seguridad del personal, y el metodo de carga de las varillas de cobalto.

Se describe la experiencia adquirida, en particular en lo que atauee a la dosimetria, la integracion de la instalacion en el proceso productivo de una empresa comercial y los resultados bacteriologicos.

Por ultimo, se examinan brevemente los aspectos economicos de la esterilizacion por irradiacion gamma y se evaluan las posibles aplicaciones de una instalacion de este tipo en el futuro. Ustanovka nepreryvnogo dejstviya snabzhena istochnikom v 72 kyuri; vse operatsii polnost'yu avtomatizirovany. Na osnove opyta, poluchennogo v ehtoj oblasti pri ehkspluatatsii sbornoj radiatsionnoj ustanovki v Uontidzhe pri.

Administrativnohozjajstvennyj uchet jadernyh materialov dolzhen byt' po mere vozmozhnosti sovremennym i jeffektivnym s tem, chtoby tehnologicheskij process, napravlennyj na snizhenie sebestoimosti, ne stradal by iz-za rastochenija jadernogo topliva i nebrezhnogo ego ucheta.

Administrativno-hozjajstvennyj uchet trebuet so storony operatora jenergeticheskogo reaktora vedenija polnyh i podrobnyh uchetnyh dokumentov. Dlja udovletvorenija trebovanijam polnoty i nadezhnosti jeti dokumenty vovse ne dolzhny byt' slozhnymi.

Naoborot, prostota ih javljaetsja chrezvychajno zhelatel'noj. Nesmotrja na to, chto jadernoe toplivo javljaetsja chem-to novym i sovershenno otlichnym ot topliva obychnogo tipa, nel'zja oblekat' ego pokrovom tainstvennosti.

K jetomu krugu problem otnosjatsja takzhe vyrabotka i osushhestvlenie nadlezhashhej programmy strahovanija. Three causes of variation in the photochemical reflectance index PRI in evergreen conifers.

The photochemical reflectance index PRI reflects diurnal xanthophyll cycle activity and is also influenced by seasonally changing carotenoid: Both changing pigment pools and xanthophyll cycle activity contribute to photoprotection in evergreen conifers exposed to boreal winters, but they operate over different timescales, and their relative contribution to the PRI signal has often been unclear.

To clarify these responses and their contribution to the PRI signal, leaf PRIpigment composition, temperature and irradiance were monitored over 2 solteros de north haven ct assessor for two evergreen conifers Pinus contorta and Pinus ponderosa in a boreal climate.

PRI was affected by three distinct processes operating over different timescales and exhibiting contrasting spectral responses.

Solteros de north haven ct assessor the 2 yr study period, the greatest change in PRI resulted from seasonally changing carotenoid: Chl pigment ratios, followed by a previously unreported shifting leaf albedo during periods of deep cold.

Remarkably, the smallest change was attributable to the xanthophyll cycle. To properly distinguish these three effects, interpretation of PRI must consider temporal context, physiological responses to evolving environmental conditions, and spectral response. Consideration of the separate mechanisms affecting PRI over different timescales could greatly improve efforts to monitor changing photosynthetic activity using optical remote sensing.

Dit prototype spuit alleen als het bladeren detecteert. Serratia plymuthica strain PRI -2C is a rhizosphere bacterial strain with antagonistic activity against different plant pathogens. Here we present the 5. Los canales de las barras requieren a menudo un revestimiento para proteger el moderador de grafito que los circunda contra los impactos y el efecto de desgaste debidos a la insercion de las barras y para asegurar que el canal conserve la alineacion correcta.

Tales revestimientos deben consistir en materiales capaces de soportar la abrasion y el impacto, dotados de gran resistencia mecanica, de reducida seccion eficaz y aptos para trabajar sin refrigeracion. Se ha ensayado con ese fin el grafito pirolitico puro y en forma de mezclas, el oxido de aluminio y el carburo de silicio.

Los datos obtenidos acerca de los danos fisicos y de irradiacion indican que algunos de estos materiales se prestan para el revestimiento de los canales de las barras en los reactores.

Materialy dlja izgotovlenija upravljajushhih sterzhnej, naprimer bor ili gadolinij, mogut sostavljat' edinoe celoe s obolochkoj sterzhnja, kak pri ispol'zovanii boristoj nerzhavejushhej stali, primenjaemoj dlja izgotovlenija avarijnyh sterzhnej.

Sterzhni poslednego tipa podhodjat dlja celej regulirovanija vvidu povyshennogo procenta soderzhanija bora. Ispytanija i opyt izgotovlenija pokazyvajut, chto pri ispol'zovanii jetih materialov mozhno skonstruirovat' razlichnye tipy udovletvoritel'nyh sterzhnej. V kanalah sterzhnej v reaktore chasto trebujutsja rubashki dlja zashhity okruzhajushhego grafitovogo zamedlitelja ot vozdejstvija nagruzok pri vvedenii sterzhnja i iznosa i dlja podderzhanija.

Correcting the relationship between PRI and shadow fraction for the blue sky effect. The Photochemical Reflectance Index PRI is defined as the normalized difference ratio of leaf reflectance at two specific wavelengths in the green spectral region. Its value depends on the status of leaf carotenoid content, and especially that of the xanthophyll cycle pigments. Due to the dependence on the xanthophyll cycle, when the photosynthetic apparatus of green leaves is close to the saturation limit, their PRI becomes dependent on light conditions.

Therefore, by measuring the PRI of leaves in the same canopy under different local irradiance solteros de north haven ct assessor on a sunny day, it should be possible to determine the saturation level of the leaves.

In turn, this gives information on the light use efficiency LUE of the vegetation canopy. The average light conditions of visible foliage elements are often quantified with the shadow fraction -- the fraction of visible foliage not lit by direct sunlight. Variations in shadow fraction have been achieved with multiangular measurement. However, besides photosynthetic downregulation, the dependence of canopy PRI on shadow fraction is affected by the blue sky radiation caused by scattering in the atmosphere.

To quantify this effect on remotely sensed PRIwe present the underlying definitions relating leaf and canopy PRI and perform the required calculations for typical midsummer conditions in Central Finland. We demonstrate that the effect of blue sky radiation on the variation of PRI with canopy solteros de north haven ct assessor fraction is similar in shape and magnitude to that of LUE variations reported in literature.

Next, we propose a new method to assess these PRI variations in structured vegetation. We investiagate this blue sky effect on the PRI -- shadow fraction relationship with high spatial 60 cm and spectral 9. We evaluate the spectral irradiance in.

solteros de north haven ct assessor

Prednosti metode Montessori pri obravnavi oseb z demenco. Full Text Available Uvod: Ena izmed uveljavljenih metod je pristop Marie Montessori, prilagojen odraslim pacientom z demenco. Za obdelavo podatkov je bil uporabljen model analize konceptov. Structural and functional characterization of the CAP domain of pathogen-related yeast 1 Pry 1 protein.

Recombinant Pry 1CAP forms dimers in solution, is sufficient for in vitro cholesterol binding, and has comparable binding properties as full-length Pry 1. The latter structure contains four 1,4-dioxane molecules from the crystallization solution, one of which sits in the cholesterol binding site.

Full Text Available The photochemical reflectance index PRI is a proxy for light use efficiency LUE, and is used in remote sensing to measure plant stress and photosynthetic downregulation in plant canopies. It is known to depend on local light conditions within a canopy indicating non-photosynthetic quenching of incident radiation.

Additionally, when measured from a distance, canopy PRI depends on shadow fraction—the fraction of shaded foliage in the instantaneous field of view of the sensor—due to observation geometry. Our aim is to quantify the extent to which sunlit fraction alone can describe variations in PRI so that it would be possible to correct for its variation and identify other possible factors affecting the PRI—sunlit fraction relationship. The spectral resolution of the data was 4. We found that stand mean PRI was not a direct function of sunlit fraction.

However, for each scatter angle separately, we found a clear non-linear relationship between PRI and sunlit fraction. The relationship was systematic and had a similar shape for all of the scatter angles. As the PRI—sunlit fraction curves for the different scatter angles were shifted with respect to each other, no universal curve could be found causing the observed independence of canopy PRI from the average sunlit fraction of each view direction.

We found the shifts of the curves to be related to a leaf structural effect on canopy. Determining the health and vigor of vegetation using high spectral resolution remote sensing is an important goal which has application to monitoring agriculture and ecosystem productivity and carbon exchange.

Two spectral indices used to assess whether vegetation is performing near-optimally or exhibiting symptoms of environmental stress e. Both the PRI and Fs capture the dynamics of photoprotection mechanisms within green foliage: Fs was determined from retrievals in the atmospheric oxygen absorption features centered at and nm using a modified Fraunhofer Line Depth FLD method.

We previously demonstrated diurnal and seasonal PRI differences for sunlit vs. Those observations were compared to simulations obtained from two radiative transfer models.

Measurements were then acquired to examine whether the PRI and Fs were influenced by view zenith and azimuth geometries at different times of day. Mass spectrometric investigation of neutral and charged constituents in saturated vapor over PrI 3. The Knudsen effusion mass spectrometric technique was used to study vapor species over praseodymium triiodide. The equilibrium constants for various ion molecular reactions were measured and the enthalpies of reactions obtained.

Physiological validation of photochemical reflectance index PRI as a photosynthetic parameter using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. Non-photochemical quenching NPQ is the most important photoprotective system in higher plants.

NPQ can be divided into several steps according to the timescale of relaxation of chlorophyll fluorescence after reaching a steady state i. The dissipation of excess energy as heat during the xanthophyll cycle, a large component of NPQ, is detectable during the fast to middle solteros de north haven ct assessor sec to min. Although thermal dissipation is primarily investigated using indirect methods such as chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, such analyses require dark adaptation or the application of a saturating pulse during measurement, making it difficult to continuously monitor this process.

We analyzed two Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, npq1 unable to convert violaxanthin to zeaxanthin due to inhibited violaxanthin de-epoxidase [VDE] activity and npq4 lacking PsbS proteinto uncover the regulator of the PRI. The PRI was variable in wild-type and npq4 plants, but not in npq1, indicating that the PRI is related to xanthophyll cycle-dependent thermal energy quenching qZ rather solteros de north haven ct assessor the linear electron transport rate or NPQ.

Published by Elsevier Inc. Using a comparative approach, the web program Pri Fi http: The program works with an alignment of DNA sequences from phylog Analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5: V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5: V skladu s hitrim razvojem rokometne igre se je razvijala tudi obramba solteros de north haven ct assessor Surprisingly, Northern blot analysis.

PRI leidt rupsen om de tuin: PRI onderzocht in spruitkool het effect van solteros de north haven ct assessor met bruine mosterd of klaver, ingezaaid om de zes rijen, op de aantallen rupsen en de samenstelling van de rupsenpopulatie gedurende het groeiseizoen.

In het artikel ook een beschrijving en illustraties van de zes belangrijkste rupsensoorten. This study evaluates a direct remote sensing approach from space for the determination of ecosystem photosynthetic light use efficiency LUEthrough measurement of vegetation reflectance changes expressed with the Photochemical Reflectance Index PRI. The PRI is a normalized difference index based on spectral changes at a physiologically active wavelength approximately nanometers as compared to a reference waveband, and is only available from a very few satellites.

Through rigorous solteros de north haven ct assessor analyses over a large image collection n equalsthe success of relating in situ daily tower-derived LUE to MODIS observations for northern forests was strongly influenced by satellite viewing geometry.

LUE was calculated from CO2 fluxes moles per moles of carbon absorbed quanta measured at instrumented Canadian Carbon Program flux towers in four Canadian forests: All aspects of the viewing geometry had significant effects on the MODIS- PRIincluding the view zenith angle VZAthe view azimuth angle, and the displacement of the view azimuth relative to the solar principal plane, in addition to illumination related variables.

Dimeric structure of the N-terminal domain of Pri B protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis solved ab initio. The N-terminal domain of the Pri B protein from the thermophilic bacterium T. Pri B is one of the components of the bacterial primosome, which catalyzes the reactivation of stalled replication forks at sites of DNA damage. The N-terminal domain of the Pri B protein from the thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Tte Pri B was expressed and its crystal structure was solved at the atomic resolution of 1.

The uranium-molybdenum deposits are in the Sierra Pena Blanca, 45 km north of the city of Chihuahua. The largest amounts of uranium-molybdenum ore are. Guardado por. Cande C.T.. Floor Design & Ideas · North Haven Residence | Lee H. Skolnick Architecture + Design Partnership; Photo: Robert.

The structure of the N-terminal OB domain of T. While in all other known structures of Pri B a dimer is formed by two identical OB domains in separate chains, Tte Pri B contains two consecutive OB domains in one chain. However, sequence comparison of both the N-terminal and the C-terminal domains of Tte Pri B suggests that they have analogous structures and that the natural protein possesses a structure similar to a dimer of two N-terminal domains.

Remote detection of water stress conditions via a diurnal photochemical reflectance index PRI improves yield prediction in rainfed wheat. Employing remotely sensed techniques to quantify the existence and magnitude of midday photosynthetic downregulation using the photochemical reflectance index PRI may reveal new information about plant responses to abiotic stressors in space and time. However, the interpretation and application of the PRI can be confounded because of its sensitivity to several variables changing at the diurnal e.

This study provides insight towards the solteros de north haven ct assessor interpretation and scaling of PRI to quantify rapid changes in photosynthesis, and as an indicator of plant stress. The program works with an alignment of DNA sequences from Solteros de north haven ct assessor accommodate users with special preferences, configuration settings and criteria can be customized Dans ces trois hypothèses les pri ères publiques ont été supprimées de façon Diplomsko delo predstavlja vlogo operativnega managementa pri razvoju Unicredit Banka Slovenije d.

Those who agree state that the law is needed to maintain the morality which has been getting worse, and those who disagree state that it may emasculate their freedom and creativities.

This study gives answers to 1 what social practices solteros de north haven ct assessor performed by the Balinese sculptors to pry into the Law of Pornography? Several relevant critical theories such as the theory of structuration, the theory of hegemony, and the theory of aesthetics were eclectically used in this study.

The data needed were collected through observation, in-depth interview, documentation study, and library research.

The result of the study showed that the Balinese sculptors showed their resistance to the application of the law by making adaptation, changing profession, and still producing pornographic works. Tropical Andean glaciers are undergoing rapid retreat with complex impacts on the downstream hydrology.

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Groundwater is also an important component of the Andean regional hydrologic system, but its contribution is difficult to assess due to remote site access, minimal baseline data, and lack of continuous historical discharge and precipitation measurements.

Our hydrochemical basin characterization method HBCM uses chemical mass balance mixing to quantify the contribution of glacial melt water, groundwater, and surface runoff to streams for different valleys and nested watersheds in the Callejon de Huaylas.

These results suggest that for most of the studied years groundwater is the main. The glaciers of the Cordillera BlancaPeru are rapidly retreating as a result of rising temperatures, transforming the hydrology solteros de north haven ct assessor impacting the socio-economic and environmental systems of the Rio Santa basin.

Documenting the heterogeneous spatial patterns of these changes to understand processes of water storage and flow is hindered by technologic and logistic challenges. Highly complex topography, cloud cover and coarse spatial resolution limit the application of satellite data while airborne data collection remains costly and potentially dangerous.

However, recent developments have made Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV technology a viable and potentially transformative method for studying glacier dynamics and proglacial hydrology. Therefore we developed a low cost multispectral visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared multirotor UAV capable of conducting fully autonomous aerial surveys at elevations over m within the glacial valleys of solteros de north haven ct assessor Cordillera Blanca.

Using this platform we have completed repeat aerial surveys in and of the debris covered Llaca Glacier, generating highly accurate cm DEM's and 5cm orthomosaics using a structure from motion workflow. Analysis of these data reveals a highly dynamic system with some areas of the glacier losing as much as 16m of vertical elevation, while other areas have gained up to 5m of elevation over one year. The magnitude and direction of these changes appears to be associated with the presence of debris free ice faces and meltwater ponds.

Additionally, we have mapped proglacial meadow and wetland systems. Thermal mosaics at cm resolution are providing novel insights into the hydrologic pathways of glacier meltwater including mapping the distribution of artesian springs that feed these wetland systems. The high spatial resolution of these UAV datasets facilitates a better understanding of the.

The recharge is produced solteros de north haven ct assessor the infiltration of rain water with a total amount of The discharge have been measured and gives a total amount of The useful rain has been calculated with several methods Turc, Coutagne, Kessler, chloride method and monthly and daily Thornwaite method -with field capacities of 25 and 50 mm.

The method that fits in a better way with the known volumes of recharge and discharge, for each one of the aquifer system and for the whole Blanca -Mijas Hydrogeological Unit, is the chloride method. Use of three joints as predictors of carcass and body fat depots in Blanca Celtibérica goats.

Nineteen adult goats of the Blanca Celtibérica breed - in non productive stage - from the experimental flock of Servicio de Investigación Agraria Diputación General de Aragón were scored using the lumbar, breast and tail palpation. Sternal triangle joint, lumbar square jointt a ailn tdha t were handled to assess body condition scores were dissected into muscle, bone subcutaneous fat and intermuscular fat.

Regression analyses were developed for predicting carcass and body fat dep La mujer en el subsector del alojamiento: El artículo se acerca, desde la perspectiva de género, al mercado laboral general, y al relacionado con el alojamiento en particular, en la Costa Blanca España.

Este artículo propone el estudio de una En primer lugar, se reconstruye brevemente el derrotero histórico de la biblioteca y del archivo del partido, derrotero solteros de north haven ct assessor relacionado con los vaivenes, principalmente políticos, que afectaron al socialismo argentino. En segundo término, se hace una descripción general del tipo de documentación que contiene el archivo, señalando potenciales usos y Basic diagnosis of solid waste generated at Agua Blanca State Park to propose waste management strategies.

State parks are highly sensitive areas of great natural importance and tourism value. Herein a case study involving a basic survey of solid waste which was carried out in in Solteros de north haven ct assessor Blanca State Park, Macuspana, Tabasco, Mexico with two sampling periods representing the high and low tourist season is presented.

The survey had five objectives: A daily average of people visited the park: The average weight of the generated solid waste was During the high season, the average increased to 0. The bulk density average was The sub-products comprised These two units overly the Pozos conglomerate formation and Cretaceous limestone.

These DDHs terminate 20 m below the current water table, thus allowing the detection of possible gradients in radionuclide contents resulting from transport from the overlying uranium deposit. Uranium, lead and oxygen isotopes can be used to study fluid-uraninite interaction, provided that the analyses are obtained on the micro-scale. Secondary ionization mass spectrometry SIMS permits in situ measurement of isotopic ratios with a spatial resolution on the scale of a few micro m.

These temperatures are consistent with previous studies that calculated precipitation temperatures for clay minerals associated with uraninite. La casa y la mesa de la reina Blanca de Navarra Full Text Available This study tries to amplify a subject not developed enough, for the moment, in the lines of historical research that are being carried out in Navarre. It is divided in two sections. On one hand, aspects as servants, provision, products and prices, among others, have been studied through the organisation in queen Blanca 's Hostel.

On the other hand, we have approached the symbolic factor that feeding implies. We have also studied questions relating to crockery, feeding paces, religious aspects and beneficiaries from food. At last, in spite of having few and dispersed data, we have tried to give a view about culinary practises in the navarresse court during the first half of the 15th century. Le travail est divisé en deux sections. D'une part, l'organisation de l'Hôtel de la reine Blanche, dont on a solteros de north haven ct assessor les serviteurs, les fourniseurs, les produits et les prix, parmis d'autres aspects de l'institution.

De l'autre, on s'est approché à l'élément symbolique que la nourriture implique, en touchant des matières comme les vaisselles, les rythmes alimentaires, les aspects religieux et les bénéficiaires des aliments. We present research from the Cordillera BlancaPeru, an area with the highest density of glaciers in the tropics.

In order to predict future changes to water resources it is critical to understand how groundwater can offset future hydrologic stress by maintaining stream baseflow, including recharge mechanisms, subsurface pathways, storage, and net fluxes to rivers. Our findings show that 'pampas', low-relief mountain valleys, are critical for baseflow generation by storing groundwater on interannual timescales. The valleys commonly have buried talus aquifers that are overlain by low permeability, glaciolacustrine deposits.

Glaciofluvial outwash deposits and small wetlands also act as unconfined aquifers. These groundwater systems solteros de north haven ct assessor to be primarily recharged by wet season precipitation, and at higher elevations also by glacial meltwater. Additionally a ubiquitous feature in the valleys are springs, often located at the base of talus deposits, which generate a large hydrologic flux within the hydrologic systems. While glaciers are the most visible and vulnerable component of the Andean waterscape, solteros de north haven ct assessor argue that it is crucial to understand the complete mountain hydrologic cycle, including groundwater, in order to understand the ongoing.

In this article, analytical results will be presented and discussed regarding a selected set of figurines from the ancient Maya settlement of La Blanca in Petén, Guatemala. The objective is to characterize the ceramic material by two analytical complementary techniques: The data obtained by means of both XRD and TXRF were compared and analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques in order to obtain sample groups according to their chemical composition.

The results of this archaeometric study have been compared to those that have been obtained through macroscopic characterization by means of the traditional classification system know as Type-Variety. Discordances have been found between the clusters obtained by the Type-Variety classification system and the multivariate classification procedures performed on analytical data. Total fine root mass and nutrient content in forest ecosystems Pinus patula Schltdl and Cham Cupressus lusitanica Mill and Quercus humboldtii bonpl.

For this purpose, the methodological approach comprised total root mass, both dead and alive. The deposit was mined in the early s, and ore was stockpiled close by.

Some of the high-grade boulders from the site rolled downhill when it was cleared in the s. For this study soil samples were collected from the alluvium surrounding and underlying one of these boulders. A bulk sample of the boulder was also collected. Because the Prior High Grade Stockpile had no ore prior to the s a maximum residence time for the boulder is about 25 years, this also means that the soil was at background as well.

The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of uranium series radionuclides from ore to the soil. Transport is characterized by determining the activities of individual radionuclides and daughter to parent ratios. The boulder sample is close to secular solteros de north haven ct assessor when compared to the standard BL-5 Beaver Lodge Uraninite from Canada.

The gamma-ray spectrum for organic material lacks Th peaks, but contains U and Ra, indicating that plants preferentially incorporate Ra. Our results, combined with previous studies require multistage history of mobilization of the uranium series radionuclides. Earlier studies at the ore zone could limit the time span for mobilization only to a few thousand years.

The contribution of this study is that the short. Earlier studies at the ore zone could limit the time span for mobilization only. The history of Holocene glaciation serves as an important record of glacier mass balance and, therefore, of climatic change.

The moraine record of Holocene glaciation in the tropical Andes, however, is fragmentary and poorly dated. In contrast, increases in the rate of accumulation of inorganic sediment in glacier-fed lakes have been linked to periods of Neoglaciation in many mountain regions. The interpretation of such a record of Neoglaciation from sediment cores in glacier-fed lakes in the tropical Andes can provide the continuity and chronologic control that is lacking in the existing moraine record. Unusual exposures of glacial lacustrine sediment in the Cordillera BlancaPeru, provide a rare opportunity to assess the link between climatic change, glaciation, and lacustrine sedimentation.

Three deltaic units can be identified: The lake formed during deglaciation at least 10 yr ago and if such a rate of progradation of the delta had prevailed over the entire Holocene, then the delta would be at least three times as extensive as it is today.

Thus the rate of delta progradation has varied significantly over the Holocene. We suggest that the rate of delta progradation was at least three times greater when glaciers were in advanced positions.

These positions are clearly delimited by Neoglacial moraines, which are within km of the exposures studied and within 1 km of modern ice limits. The most recent increase in the rate of delta progradation is. Recent glacier retreat and lake formation in the Querecocha watershed, Cordillera BlancaPeru.

In the Andes, and specifically in the Peruvian mountains a marked decrease of the glaciated area has occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age, and it has been accelerated since the last decades of the 20th century.

As a result of the glacier retreat new pro-glaciar lakes are originated, and often the area and volume of existing ones increases. The study of these newly-formed lakes and their recent evolution may provide a better understanding of the hydrological and geomorphological evolution of deglaciated areas, and a better evaluation of the risk of glacial lakes outburst floods GLOFS.

We also present the information derived from 10 short sediment cores up to 50 cm long retrieved along several transects in Yanamarey Lake. Both data sets inform of the sediment yield and lake development in recently deglaciated environments of the Andes.

Results demonstrate that only one third of the surface covered by ice in remained in In this period, snowline has shifted up more than meters in elevation in both, Yanamarey North and South areas respectively. At the same time, new lakes have been formed very quickly in these deglaciated areas. Preliminary Cs dating of Yanamarey sediment core indicates that at least the top 50 cm of the lake sequence deposited after This is coherent with the Landsat image of that showed the current surface of the lake still covered by ice.

The sediment cores are composed of cm-thick sequences defined by grain-size silt-clay common in proglacial lakes reflecting the variability of hydrological response associated to the glacier retreat in the.

Evolución de estrellas enanas blancas de Helio de masa baja e intermedia. En particular, el transporte de energía es descripto en el marco del nuevo modelo para la convección turbulenta desarrollado por Canuto - Mazzitelli. Las pérdidas por neutrinos fueron asimismo tenidas en cuenta. Nuestros resultados muestran que existe solteros de north haven ct assessor región prohibida en el diagrama observacional HR donde ninguna EB de helio puede encontrarse.

Finalmente hemos analizado la estructura de la zona convectiva externa encontrando que la teoría de Canuto - Mazzitelli conduce a un perfil convectivo muy diferente del dado por cualquier versión de la popular teoría de la mixing length. Si bién este comportamiento es decisivo en el contexto de las inestabilides pulsacionales, los radios y gravedades superficiales de.

Geologic Mapping in Nogal Peak Quadrangle: The geology of the quad consists of a late Eocene to Oligocene volcanic pile Sierra Blanca Volcanics, mostly alkali basalt to trachyte intruded by a multitude of dikes, plugs and three stocks: Three Rivers stock is partially surrounded by alkali rhyolites that geochemically resemble the alkali granites.

The circular shape of the stock solteros de north haven ct assessor surrounding rhyolites suggests they form the root of a probable caldera. SBIC rocks have compositions typical of those found within the Rocky Mountain alkaline belt and those associated with continental rift zone magmatism.

Because the volcanic host rocks are deeply eroded, intrusive relations with the stocks are well exposed. Most contacts at stock margins are near vertical. Roof pendants are common near some contacts and stoped blocks up to m long are found within the Three Rivers stock.

Contacts, pendants and stoped blocks generally display some combination of hornfelsing, brecciation, fracturing, faulting and mineralization. Sierra Blanca Volcanics display hydrothermal alteration increasing from argillic in the NW sector of the quad to high-temperature porpylitic near stock margins.

Retrograde phyllic alteration occurs within breccia pipes and portions of the stocks. Mineral deposits consist of four types: A singular pipe on the SW margin of Bonito Lake stock contains sapphire-lazulite-alunite.

Although Au has been intermittently mined in the quad solteros de north haven ct assessorbest production of Au originated around the turn of the last. There is urgency in deriving an extensive dataset for deriving glacier changes within the Cordillera BlancaPeru, in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Rapid glacial retreat solteros de north haven ct assessor the last decades in this area poses a threat for water resources, hydroelectric power and local traditions. While there is some information on decadal changes in glacier extents, there still remains a paucity of mass balance measurements and glacier parameters such as hypsometry, size distribution and termini elevations.

Here we investigate decadal changes in glacier parameters for Cordillera Blanca of Peru using data from Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre SPOT sensor, an old glacier inventory from aerial photography, field-based mass balance measurements and meteorological observations.

Here we focus on: Over the last 25 years, mean temperatures increases of 0. Comparison of the new SPOT-based glacier inventory with the inventory shows that glaciers in Cordillera Blanca retreated at a rate of 0. At lower elevations there is an upward shift of glacier termini along with a decrease in glacier area. Small glaciers are losing more area than large glaciers. Based on the relationship between specific mass balance bn and accumulation area ratio AAR for the two benchmark glaciers, we predicted a steady-state equilibrium line.

How many populations set foot through the Patagonian door? Genetic composition of the current population of Bahía Blanca Argentina based on data from 19 Alu polymorphisms. The city of Bahía Blanca occupies a strategic place in Argentina south of the Pampean region in the north-east corner of the Patagonia.

Sincethis city has been the historical and political border between Amerindian lands in the south, and the lands of European colonists. Nowadays, Bahía Blanca is an urban population mainly composed by descendents of immigrants from Spain and other European countries with apparently low admixture with Amerindians. In view of the unexpectedly high Amerindian admixture levels about The genotyped sample was made up of unrelated healthy individuals whose birth place and grandparent origins were fully documented.

According to available genealogical records, the total sample has been subdivided into two groups: Bahía Blanca Original 64 individuals with all 4 gandparents born in Argentina and Bahía Blanca Mix 55 individuals with one to three grandparents born out of Argentina. Allele frequencies and gene diversity values in Bahía Blanca fit well into the European ranges. Population relationships have been tested for 8 Alu markers, whose variation has been described in several Amerindian and European samples.

Reynolds genetic distances underline the significant genetic similarity of Bahía Blanca to Europeans mean distance 0. Interestingly enough, when the general sample is divided, Bahía Blanca Original appears slightly closer to Amerindians 0.

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Furthermore, the genetic relationships depicted through a principal components analysis emphasize the relative similarity of Bahía Blanca Original to Amerindians. A thorough knowledge of the sample origins has allowed us to make a subtle distinction of the genetic composition of. Eficiencia del transporte urbano de pasajeros en la localidad de Bahía BlancaArgentina La educación de las mujeres en dos novelas peruanas del siglo XIX: Herencia y Blanca Sol.

Esta investigación describe la situación de la educación de las mujeres peruanas de la élite limeña a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Por un lado, los colegios privados de la época presentaban tanto un curr Es probable que las condiciones sean favorables para el establecimiento de una población dentro del poblado de San Miguel de Cozumel, lo que debe monitorearse en el futuro.

Mining of high-grade uranium ore occurred in the early s, with the ore stockpiled nearby. The stockpile was mostly cleared in the s; however, some of the high-grade boulders have remained there, creating localized sources of radioactivity for a period of years.

This provides a unique opportunity to study radionuclide transport, because the study area did not have any uranium contamination predating the stockpile in the s. One high-grade boulder was selected for study based upon its shape, location, and high activity.

The presumed drip-line off of the boulder was marked, samples from the boulder surface were taken, and then the boulder was moved several feet away. Soil samples were taken from directly beneath the boulder, around the drip-line, and down slope.

Eight of these samples were collected in a vertical profile directly beneath the boulder. Visible flakes of boulder material were removed from the surficial soil samples, because they would have higher concentrations of U-series radionuclides and cause the activities in the soil samples to be excessively high.

The vertical sampling profile used 2-inch thicknesses for each sample. The soil samples were packaged into thin plastic containers to minimize the attenuation and to standardize sample geometry, and then they were analyzed by gamma-ray spectroscopy with a Ge Li detector for Th, Pa, U, Th, Ra, Pb, Bi, and Pb The raw counts were corrected for self-attenuation and normalized using BL-5, a uranium standard from Beaverlodge, Saskatchewan.

BL-5 allowed the counts obtained on the Ge Li to be referenced to a known concentration or activity, which was then applied to the soil unknowns for a reliable calculation of their concentrations. Gamma ray spectra of five soil samples from the vertical profile exhibit decreasing activities with increasing depth for the selected radionuclides. A Case Study at Arteson Glacier. Tropical glaciers are an essential component of the water resources systems in the mountainous regions where they are located, and a warming climate has resulted in the accelerated retreat of Andean glaciers in recent decades.

The shrinkage of Andean glaciers influences the flood risk for communities living downstream as new glacial lakes have begun to form at the termini of some glaciers. As these lakes continue to grow in area and volume, they pose an increasing risk of glacial lake outburst floods GLOFs. Ice thickness measurements have been a key missing link in studying the tropical glaciers in Peru and how climate change is likely to impact glacial melt and the growth of glacial lakes.

Ground penetrating radar GPR has rarely been applied to glaciers in Peru to measure ice thickness, and these measurements can tell us a lot about how a warming climate will affect glacier mass balance. A new lake has begun to form at the terminus of the Arteson glacier, and this lake has key features, including overhanging ice and loose rock likely to create landslides, that could trigger a catastrophic GLOF if the lake continues to grow.

This new lake is part of a series of three lakes that have formed below the Arteson glacier. The two lower lakes, Artesonraju and Paron, are much larger so that if there were an avalanche or landslide into the new lake below Arteson glacier, the impact could potentially be more catastrophic than a GLOF from one single lake.

Estimates of how the lake mass balance is likely to evolve due to the retreating glacier are key to assessing the flood risk from this dynamic three-lake system. Solteros de north haven ct assessor the glacier mass balance and lake mass balance are closely linked, the ice thickness measurements and measurements of the bed slope of the Arteson glacier and underlying bedrock give us a clue to how the lake is likely to evolve.

This work is devided into the two parts. Firs part reviews contemporary methods of assessment of potential hazardousness for moraine-dammed lakes eight qualitative methods and three quantitative methods. Second part has two main aims: Lake and breach hazard assessment for moraine-dammed lakes: Full Text Available Glacial lake outburst floods GLOFs and related debris flows represent a significant threat in high mountainous areas across the globe.

It is necessary to quantify this threat so as to mitigate their catastrophic effects. Complete GLOF hazard assessment incorporates two phases: This paper outlines a number of methods of lake and breach hazard assessment, which can be grouped into three categories: It is considered that five groups of critical parameters are essential for an accurate regionally focused hazard assessment method for moraine-dammed lakes in the Cordillera Blanca.

These comprise the possibility of dynamic slope movements into the lake, the possibility of a flood wave from a lake situated upstream, the possibility of dam rupture following a large earthquake, the size of the dam freeboard or ratio of dam freeboard, and a distinction between natural dams and those with remedial work.

It is shown that none of the summarised methods uses all these criteria with, at most, three of the five considered by the outlined methods. A number of these methods were used on six selected moraine-dammed lakes in the Cordillera Blanca: The results have been compared and show that each method has certain advantages and disadvantages when used in this region.

These methods demonstrate that the most hazardous lake is Lake Palcacocha. A new lichen dating method and new moraine observations enabled us to improve the chronology of glacier advances in the Cordillera Blanca Peru during the Little Ice Age LIA.

However, a second major glacial advance at the beginning of the 17th century overlapped the earlier stage for most glaciers. This rate is comparable to that observed during the 20th century. Estimates of palaeo-Equilibrium Line Altitudes show an increase in altitude of about m from the LIA maximum glacial extension at the beginning of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

Because long time series are not available for precipitation and temperature, this glacial retreat is difficult to explain by past climate changes. Our current knowledge of tropical glaciers and isotope variations leads us to suggest that this common tropical signal reflects a change from a wet LIA to the drier conditions of today. Finally, a remarkable synchronicity is observed with glacial variations in Bolivia, suggesting a common regional climatic pattern during the LIA.

The Sierra Pena Blanca is composed mainly of ash-flow tuffs, and the uranium in the region is contained in the brecciated zones of these tuffs. The Pena Blanca site is considered a natural analog to the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository because they share similar characteristics of structure, volcanic lithology, tectonic activity, and hydrologic regime.

One of the mineralized zones, the Nopal I deposit, was mined in the early s and the ore was stockpiled close to the mine. This stockpile area has subsequently been cleared and is referred to as the prior high-grade stockpile PHGS site.

Soil surrounding boulders of high-grade ore associated with the PHGS site have been sampled. The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of uranium series radioisotopes from the boulder to the soil during the past 25 years. The daughter to parent ratios are used to establish whether the samples are in secular equilibrium. Activities are determined using gamma-ray spectroscopy. Preliminary results indicate that some daughter to parent pairs appear to be in secular disequilibrium.

Thorium is in excess relative to uranium, and radium is in excess relative to thorium. If these results are borne out by further analysis, they would suggest transport of nuclides from the high-grade boulder into its surroundings, followed by continued leaching of uranium and lead from the environment. Isotopes of the uranium series decay chain detected by gamma-ray solteros de north haven ct assessor include Pb, U, Th, Th, Ra, Pb, Bi, and Pa.

A deficiency appears to exist for Pb relative to Bi and Pb. Comparación entre mujeres solteros de north haven ct assessor y negras víctimas de la violencia de pareja en el nordeste de Brasil. Una muestra de mujeres blancas y negras con relación de pareja heterosexual desde hacía al menos seis meses contestó al Index of Spouse Abuse.

En el futuro las investigaciones en la cuenca Peñas Blancas deben de ser dirigidas a determinar la magnitud de la influencia de los caudales, liberación de sedimentos y la posible degradación de la calidad del agua por efluentes de aguas servidas que se lleguen a ubicar en la cuenca.

Aquatic insects and water quality in Peñas Blancas watershed and reservoir. Epub June Distribution, vertical position and ecological implications of shallow gas in Bahía Blanca estuary Argentina. There has been a growing interest in the study of shallow gas due its importance in relation to the marine environment, climate change and human activities. In Bahía Blanca estuary, Argentina, shallow gas has a wide distribution.

Acoustic turbidity and blanking are the main seismic evidence for the presence of shallow gas in the estuary. The former prevails in the inner sector of the estuary where gas is either near or in contact with the seabed. Gas deposits are generally associated with paleochannels corresponding to the Holocene paleodeltaic environment.

Distribution studies of shallow gas in this estuary are necessary because its presence implies not only a geological risk for harbor activities but also because it may have noxious effects on the marine ecosystem, mainly on benthic communities. The comparison of benthic communities at a gas site GS with those at a control site CS indicated that gas could generate impoverishment in terms of individuals' abundance GS: Also, diversity indices showed great differences in the community structure at each site.

This indicates that methane gas may act as a natural disturbance agent in estuarine ecosystems. The presence of gas in seabed sediments must therefore be taken into account when distribution studies are conducted of estuarine benthic communities. This study focuses on the composition, abundance and distribution of ichthyoplankton in the inner shelf area off Bahía Blanca Estuary on the SW Atlantic Ocean during late spring.

Eggs and larvae of Brevoortia aurea, Engraulis anchoita, Parona signata, Sciaenidae spp. Species richness was low probably as a result of season solteros de north haven ct assessor shallow depths. Differences between egg and larval patterns, probably derived from a different displacement and hydrodynamic behavior, were observed. Egg and larvae distribution patterns were found related with spawning areas and to directly depend on salinity and mesozooplankton.

The larvae distribution pattern, in particular, was found to inversely depend on particulate organic carbon. In addition, the geographic location of egg and larvae maxima strongly coincided with a saline front reported for this area in springtime, thus suggesting a direct relationship with it.

Prototipo de monitoreo y alarma para la detección de heladas blancas en sectores rurales de Sogamoso. Full Text Available El presente artículo muestra el diseño de un prototipo de monitoreo y alarma que permite la detección de heladas blancas y sirve de base para el desarrollo de un prototipo que posibilite la detección y predicción de heladas negras.

El sistema es capaz de alertar mediante una alarma y permitir la comunicación de estos eventos a los diferentes dispositivos finales. Para lograr ésto, fue necesario seleccionar los dispositivos, tecnologías y protocolos convenientes, realizar un diseño y validarlo por medio de la emulación de las condiciones de temperatura y humedad adecuadas.

The energy balance on the surface of a tropical glacier tongue. Solar incidence and air temperature show only minor seasonal variations whereas precipitation occurs mainly from October to April.

An energy balance station was installed on the tongue of glacier Artesonraju m a. In this study each component of the energy balance on the glacier surface is analysed separately over a full year, covering one dry and one wet season. During the dry season glacier melt at the glacier tongue is app. In the wet season glacier melt is twice as much with 1 m we per month.

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20 cosas que los hombres quieren (pero no se atreven a decir) Que su chica sepa que la quiere. A veces es por torpeza. Otras, le En esos momentos de ansiedad, lo que más lo ayuda son tus ánimos. Necesita que . Las frases millennials que no sabés qué significan Hola Doctor Noticias médicas. Encuentra profesionales casa citas chicas o inserta tus ofertas de empleo casa citas de mañana o tarde, labores de la casa, acompañar a pasear, citas médicos. a ensobrar publicidad o cosas para hacer desde casa para empresas tengo conocer o citas porque pierden el tiempo, no llamar hombres molestando. La atención prenatal es la atención médica que recibe una mujer mientras está cosas como una anomalía congénita o un problema cromosómico en el feto.

La siguiente paciente es una anciana de 87 años que ha sufrido un infarto cerebral. Es incapaz de hablar con claridad y va acompañada de un familiar. El doctor tiene que examinar el registro de los 10 días que pasó en el hospital. Tras esto tiene que firmar los volantes para rehabilitación y neurología. La familia se siente frustrada porque no pueden cuidar de ella en casa y piden consejo. El doctor trata de consolar su dolor y proporcionar apoyo y orientación.

No hay manera de que esta visita dure lo previsto. El retraso es ya de 35 minutos. Antes de llamar al siguiente paciente el doctor es interrumpido porque uno de sus pacientes presenta una analítica crítica.

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Tiene que llamarle para pedirle que vaya inmediatamente al hospital. La siguiente paciente acude al médico por cuatro problemas: Le lleva media hora, con lo que el tiempo de retraso es ya de 50 minutos. Una madre trae a la consulta a dos niños.

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Han sido infectados por la misma bacteria y tienen tos y moco. Como les pasa lo mismo les puede atender a la vez y darles las mismas recetas. Les despacha en 5 minutos, ganando 15 y acortando el retraso a 35 minutos. La siguiente paciente es una mujer de 58 años con diabetes que acude a su seguimiento cada tres meses.

El doctor se toma su tiempo para explicar qué debe hacer para tener éxito en su intención de abandonar el tabaco y le explica cómo va su diabetes. Después de 20 minutos la paciente se acuerda de que tenía que decirle otra cosa. El doctor, lógicamente, no puede ignorar esto, tiene que examinarla y extender un volante, lo que lleva otros veinte minutos.

El retraso es ya de 55 minutos. El siguiente paciente llega 15 minutos tarde porque se ha perdido tratando de localizar la clínica. El retraso se reduce unos minutos. De repente la chica empieza a llorar y le reconoce que cree que tiene depresión y que ahora mismo desearía estar muerta.

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El doctor trata de averiguar qué tipo de depresión afecta a la chica y si sus sentimientos suicidas son peligrosos y la paciente reconoce que trató de suicidarse ingiriendo unas pastillas de su marido. Tiene que extender varios volantes y recetas.

No siempre es así. Cuando el doctor acaba de atenderles tiene que hacer todo el papeleo de seguimiento que no ha podido hacer antes.

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Esta, asegura la doctora Majd, es la típica mañana de un doctor de atención primaria. En Titania Compañía Editorial, S. Agradecemos de antemano a todos nuestros lectores su esfuerzo y su aportación. Elige aquel aroma que sepas que a ella le puede agradar, luego de charlas informales e informativas. Muéstrate seguro de ti mismo y demuéstralo. Resalta con confianza todas esas virtudes que posees sin llegar a ser presuntuoso, ni mucho menos. Tu conducta debe fluir sin chocar ni sobrepasar los límites normales para no jugar en contra de tu interés, que es el de encantar a tu deseada chica.

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Captar la atención de ella y enamorarla, surge siempre a partir de ser auténtico. No hay otra manera positiva. Así que debes manejar un equilibrio. No seas muy intensopero tampoco te alejes tanto.

Muchas personas me preguntan: O también podría ser ese tipo de chica que quiere que le escribas o llames constantemente. Es altamente recomendable que utilices esas largas charlas ocasionales para conocer sus gustos personalesnecesidades y ambiciones. A veces, de charlas informales se recaban los mejores datos. Esto cosas para llamar a una chica tus citas medicas quiere decir que, por eso, no puedas llegar a tener una relación formal con ella, a pesar de las trabas sociales.

Este tip es casi fundamental, te diría. Sé consecuente y permanece en comunicación continua con esa persona. No presiones ni fuerces las situaciones que tienen que ver con intimar. Si vas a hablar de sexo, que no sea en la primera ni en la segunda cita y si surge en la tercera, es porque se dio hablarlo naturalmente y no porque lo provocaste.

cosas para llamar a una chica tus citas medicas

No malogres el camino sembrado con una piedra pisada a destiempo. Cuando la invites a pasear organiza una salida que a ella le agrade y la entusiasme. Busca el momento adecuado para preguntarle. Tenlo muy en cuenta al momento de ir a su encuentro.

Hazla reír hasta el cansancio a esa mujer y encamínate hacia la felicidad de su mano, la risa es sanadora y si llega de ti, es absolutamente sublime. Contenidos Cómo conquistar a una mujer difícil Cómo conquistar a una mujer casada y con hijos Cómo conquistar a una mujer mayor Cómo declararse a una mujer Cómo hablarle a una mujer Cómo hacer que una mujer se fije en mi Como ligar con una chica Detalles para enamorar a una mujer 1. Aprende a identificar tus cualidades 2.

Cómo seducir a una mujer 3. Usa ropa elegante 4.

Estas son las mejores 71 frases para ligar y seducir a esa persona especial. Una selección de estrategias verbales para llamar la atención de alguien especial Seguro que tenemos muchas cosas en común, ¿qué te parece si tomamos el Deseo tener hijos preciosos algún día y quisiera pedirle a tus padres unos. de llamar. O decir que no cuando unos amigos te invitan para «animarte», porque O pedirles a tus amigos que no traigan a sus hijos a tu casa cuando estás Elegía Catherine para acompañarme a mis citas médicas, a las consultas y a simplemente recuperar nuestra amistad como si las cosas fueran igual que antes.

Qué decirle para atraerla 5. Cuida tu aspecto personal 6. No te lances a mostrarte como amigo 7. Respeta la puntualidad en tus citas 8. Qué hacer si no tienes buen físico Ten paciencia, no apures las cosas Menciona frases inteligentes que la conmuevan

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